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حمّل جيبي - مجاناً

"I love having my Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook scheduled all in one place." - Leslie Park, Succulent Crystals

Social proof from other people who love Tailwind is a key ingredient in getting signups and upgrades. Try these text links for great results and more commissions!
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50% off annual

Anyone who subscribes at the annual level to Tailwind gets 50% off the monthly price. And affiliates get higher commissions! Win. Win.
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"It is the best investment we have ever made in terms of time saving and organizational tools. We love it." Yellow Tuxedo

Social proof from other people who love Tailwind is a key ingredient in getting signups and upgrades. Try these text links for great results and more commissions!
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"Tailwind takes the daunting task of keeping up with social media for my business and makes it into an enjoyable task." Michelle Burke

Social proof from other people who love Tailwind is a key ingredient in getting signups and upgrades. Try these text links for great results and more commissions!
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Automate the hard parts of your social

The phrases: "Social media automation, the tool that feels like a marketing team, and grow smarter and faster" tested best when we redesigned our homepage. Get more sales with these statements that people love to click.
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Grow your business smarter and faster with Tailwind for social media marketing.

The phrases: "Social media automation, the tool that feels like a marketing team, and grow smarter and faster" tested best when we redesigned our homepage. Get more sales with these statements that people love to click.
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Facebook Marketing Intro

Facebook Marketing Intro
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"Tailwind was one of the best decisions I made as a blogger. I get 7 days of marketing done in 2 hours every Monday morning." Latasha Peters...

Social proof from other people who love Tailwind is a key ingredient in getting signups and upgrades. Try these text links for great results and more commissions!
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Tailwind: The tool that feels like a marketing team.

The phrases: "Social media automation, the tool that feels like a marketing team, and grow smarter and faster" tested best when we redesigned our homepage. Get more sales with these statements that people love to click.
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Learn Tailwind

testing a link
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Instagram bio blog post

Tailwind's best converting blog post.
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How to Recycle Social Content - Blog Post

Blog post outlining how to repurpose your social content across multiple platforms.
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Customer Support Available

Customer Support Available
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Custom Plans Available

Custom Plans Available
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Professional plan for $799.99/month

Professional plan for $799.99/month
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Pinterest Marketing Tool available

Pinterest Marketing Tool available
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Free Trial available

Free Trial available
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Plus plan for $9.99/month

Plus plan for $9.99/month
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Tailwind for Instagram - Bloggers

This page goes into detail about how Tailwind for Instagram helps bloggers grow their reach. It's the perfect link if your audience is full of bloggers.
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Tailwind for Instagram Homepage

This link will lead those you refer directly to the Tailwind for Instagram page on our website. It's perfect to use when you're talking about Tailwind's Instagram features.
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Pinterest Comparison Page

This page describes how Tailwind for Instagram differs from other popular Pinterest marketing tools.
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Tailwind for Instagram - Visual Planning

This link will lead those you refer directly to the Tailwind for Instagram visual planning page on our website. It's perfect to use when you're talking about Tailwind's Instagram features.
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This link will lead those you refer directly to the page on our website. It's perfect to use when you're talking about Tailwind's link in bio tool.
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Tailwind vs. Hootsuite

This page provides detailed information on how Tailwind compares with Hootsuite.
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Tailwind vs. Plann

This page provides detailed information on how Tailwind compared with Plann.
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Tailwind vs. Buffer

This page provides detailed information on how Tailwind compares with Buffer.
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Tailwind Create Homepage

This link will lead those you refer directly to the Tailwind Create page on our website. It's perfect to use when you're talking about Tailwind Create.
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Tailwind for Instagram - Photographers

This page goes into detail about how Tailwind for Instagram helps photographers grow their reach. It's the perfect link if your audience is full of professional photographers.
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Tailwind Main Homepage

This link takes those you refer to our homepage. It's a great catchall page when you're talking about all of Tailwind's features.
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Tailwind for Instagram - Wedding Industry

This page goes into detail about how Tailwind for Instagram helps wedding industry professionals grow their reach. It's the perfect link if your audience is full of wedding professionals.
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Tailwind for Instagram - Ecommerce

This page goes into detail about how Tailwind for Instagram helps ecommerce sellers grow their reach. It's the perfect link if your audience is full of ecommerce stores.
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Tailwind for Pinterest Homepage

This link will lead those you refer directly to the Tailwind for Pinterest page on our website. It's perfect to use when you're talking about all of our Pinterest features.
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Instagram Comparison Page

This page describes how Tailwind for Instagram differs from other popular Instagram marketing tools.
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رموز القسيمة 0
الصفقات 33
الإجمالي 33

قم بتحميل جيبي الآن وابدأ في توفير الكثير

استخدم جيبي الآن للعثور على كوبونات عبر الإنترنت لمتاجرك المفضلة وتوفير الكثير على متجرك الإلكتروني التالي

حمّل جيبي - مجاناً