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24 رموز القسيمة


البحث عن كوبونات

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$100 $125 ستحفظUSD$25

يبحث جيبي على الإنترنت عن كودات خصم لمساعدتك في توفير الوقت والمال.

حمّل جيبي - مجاناً

Link to Buy Textbooks Page

Link to Buy Textbooks landing page
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Book Detail Link

link to specific book detail page by adding ?isbn=0000000000000 (where you replace the zeros with the 13 digit ISBN) after the last number in the url
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Link to eTextbooks

BiggerBooks.com eTextbooks Landing Page
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Add Multiple Items to Cart

Replace [PID] with your website PID assigned by Commission Junction, replace [TYPE] with N, U or E (N= New, U= Used, E= eTextbook) and [ISBN] with the ISBN you want to link to. Append &item2=&newused2=&item3=&newused3= (where item# and newused# represents additional books). Example Link: http://www.tkqlhce.com/click-[PID]-14092688?item1=[ISBN]&newused1=[TYPE]&item2=[ISBN]&newused2=[TYPE]
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Add Used Book Directly to the Shopping Cart

Generate a link to add a used book directly into the shopping cart. Use this link and add ?isbn=[ISBN] after "10714948". Replace [ISBN] with any 13 digit ISBN. Or add ?item=[ISBN] after &newused=U in the destination URL.
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BiggerBooks.com Homepage

Links to BiggerBooks.com Homepage
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Free USPS Shipping Over $59!

Free Shipping text link
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Add Short Term/Session Textbook Rental Directly to Shopping Cart

Use this link to add a short term textbook rental directly to the cart: Replace [ISBN] with the 13 digit ISBN of the textbook you want to link to
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Add New Book Directly to Shopping Cart

Generate a link to add a new book directly into the shopping cart. Use this link and add ?isbn=[ISBN] after "10714929". Replace [ISBN] with any 13 digit ISBN. Or add ?item=[ISBN] after &newused=n in the destination URL.
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Link to a specific book

Place "?ISBN=0000000000" after the "9467039" in the link
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Add eBook Directly to the Shopping Cart

Generate a link to add a eBook directly into the shopping cart. Use this link and add &isbn=[ISBN] after "12534809". Replace [ISBN] with any 13 digit ISBN. Or add &item=[ISBN] after &newused=E in the destination URL.
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Add Semester Textbook Rental Directly to Shopping Cart

Use this link to add a semester textbook rental directly to the cart: Replace [ISBN] with the 13 digit ISBN of the textbook you want to link to
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Add Quarter Textbook Rental Directly to Shopping Cart

Use this link to add a quarter textbook rental directly to the cart: Replace [ISBN] with the 13 digit ISBN of the textbook you want to link to
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Return Books up to 25 Days

Return Books up to 25 Days
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Free Shipping on orders over $59

Free Shipping on orders over $59
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العروض متوفرة

رموز القسيمة 9
الصفقات 15
الإجمالي 24

قم بتحميل جيبي الآن وابدأ في توفير الكثير

استخدم جيبي الآن للعثور على كوبونات عبر الإنترنت لمتاجرك المفضلة وتوفير الكثير على متجرك الإلكتروني التالي

حمّل جيبي - مجاناً