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Learn More about Cardhop

Cardhop effortlessly integrates with your device's contact accounts, ensuring Cardhop is always in sync and up-to-date regardless of the device you're currently using.
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Learn About Flexibits

We create apps that are enjoyable and flexible. What do we mean by flexible? Apps that make your life better. Apps that remove frustration. We're users too, so we know what a good user experience should be. If you're disappointed or frustrated with anything, please let us know. With many years of experience working on many popular apps, our hope is that our experience and passion come through in everything we do.
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Try Flexibits Premium for Free

A single subscription unlocks all premium features in Fantastical and Cardhop across all your devices. Fantastical Scheduling is also included, making scheduling your meetings easy. Your calendars, tasks, and contacts will be more powerful, more productive, and more fun.
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Try Fantastical Scheduling, Organizing Calls and Meetings is Now Easy

Fantastical makes scheduling events easy by only offering times that work with your availability. No Flexibits coupon code needed.
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Flexibits Coupons and Promo Codes for January

Click through to see Flexibits's current promo codes, coupons, discounts, and special offers.
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Take 75% Off Your First Order

Price reflects discount. Some restrictions apply. Limited time offer.
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